Keep Snakes Away From You!
About AtroxSnake Barrier
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What is the Atrox Snake Barrier?
Simply put, there wasn’t an effective snake repellent or deterrent on the market that we would use for ourselves so we made it our mission to find a solution. The Atrox Snake Barrier (US Patent. No. 12,213,476) will keep snakes away no matter if you are at home, camping, hunting, or gardening. The Atrox Snake Barrier is also great for protecting sheds, greenhouses, chicken coops, electrical substations, or cattle and horse barns.
Initially, the idea came from an electric utility worker of 30 plus years, who has extensive knowledge and love of snakes. He dealt directly with the electric company’s “homemade” electric snake guards used to deter snakes from entering substations, which failed miserably.
Since then the initial concept has been tested and proven by snake experts with many species of snakes. It has also been re-engineered multiple times to make it easier to set up and disassemble when not in use, and to reduce manufacturing costs.
Contact us for more information.
Atrox Snake Barrier Information
US Patent. No. 12,213,476
For use in multiple situations at home like play areas, pools, or chicken coops
Easy to travel with for hunting
Easy to put together

Snake Bite Facts
The World Health Organization reports that up to five million people are bitten by snakes each year worldwide with approximately half of those or 2.4 million being envenomations or poisonings from snake bites. WHO further estimates that there are up to 125,000 deaths and 400,000 amputations per year due to venomous snake bites (WHO Fact Sheet).
The majority of these bites occur in Africa and South-East Asia and in other low- and middle-income countries where medical treatment is more scarce.
One of our long-term goals is to provide a preventative solution to the victims of venomous snake bites who don’t have accessible medical care and snake bite treatments in developing countries around the world.
The reality of it is you are 9 times more likely to die from being struck by lightning than to die of a venomous snake bite in the U.S. and other developed countries (University of Florida). Quite simply most people do not like snakes and don’t want them anywhere around!
Snakebites By The Numbers
In the United States a rattlesnake bite can cost up to $150,000 in medical expenses.
More than 1,300 U.S. kids suffer venomous snakebites each year on average with copperheads biting more people than any other U.S. snake species.
In more developed countries where medical care is more accessible, such as the United States and Australia for example, there are an estimated 8,000 and 3,000 venomous snake bites respectively per year with less than 10 deaths per year between these two countries.
The reality of it is you are 9 times more likely to die from being struck by lightning than to die of a venomous snake bite in the U.S. and other developed countries (University of Florida Snake Bites Stats). Most of us do not like snakes and don’t want them anywhere around us!