ATROX Snake Barrier Buyer's Guide
How to design a CUSTOM SIZED ATROX Snake Barrier
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STEP 1:Identify the area you want to keep snakes out of
- Does the area to be protected from snake intrusions require a barrier with 4 straight sections? The answer is yes IF none of the barrier straight sections terminate at an external structure such as a wall or fence.

How Many…
Corner Assemblies:
Straight Assemblies:
Gate/Extension Assemblies:
(see last page of Buyers Guide)
- Does the area to be protected from snake intrusions require a barrier with 3 straight sections? The answer is yes IF two of the barrier straight sections terminate at an external structure such as a wall or fence.

How Many…
Corner Assemblies:
Straight Assemblies:
Gate/Extension Assemblies:
(see last page of Buyers Guide)
- Does the area to be protected from snake intrusions require a barrier with 2 straight sections? The answer is yes IF 2 of the barrier straight sections terminate at an external structure such as the two walls below or fence.

How Many…
Corner Assemblies:
Straight Assemblies:
Gate/Extension Assemblies:
(see last page of Buyers Guide)
- Does the area to be protected from snake intrusions require a barrier with 1 straight section? The answer is yes IF 1 of the barrier straight sections terminate at an external structure such as the two walls below or fence.

How Many…
Corner Assemblies:
Straight Assemblies:
Gate/Extension Assemblies:
(see last page of Buyers Guide)
STEP 2:Determine the length of each straight section of your custom designed barrier. Refer to 4 options above
Measure from First Corner to the next Corner for each straight section: write down distance of each straight section.
NOTE: We recommend five (5) feet between each Assembly, but you could place each Assembly less than 5 feet apart if needed or desired.
4 straight sections (square or rectangular)
Side 1: 30 feet = 1 Corner Assembly (0 feet), 1 Straight Assembly (5
feet), 1 Straight Assembly (10 feet), 1 Straight Assembly (15 feet), 1 Straight Assembly (20 feet), 1 Straight Assembly (25 feet) > connects to Side 2 Corner Assembly at (30 feet)
Side 2: 15 feet = 1 Straight Assembly (5 feet), 1 Straight Section (10 feet) > connects to Side 3 Corner Assembly (15 feet)
Side 3: 30 feet = 1 Straight Assembly (5 feet), 1 Straight Assembly (10
feet), 1 Straight Assembly (15 feet), 1 Straight Assembly (20 feet), 1 Straight Assembly (25 feet) > connects to side 4 Corner Assembly (30 feet)
Side 4: 15 feet = 1 Straight Assembly (5 feet), 1 Straight Section (10 feet)
> connects to side 1 Corner Assembly (15 feet)
Follow same logic/process for 3, 2 and 1 straight section barriers shown above
STEP 3:Add up number of Corner Assemblies, Straight Assemblies, and Gate/Extension Assemblies determined in example above
What to order and place in shopping cart for the 30x15x30x15 example above:
- Corner Assemblies: 4
- Straight Assemblies: 14
When do you need a Gate/Extension Assembly for your barrier?
- When a straight section of the barrier is longer than 100′ (30m): screen material comes in lengths of 100′(30m): Buy one extension/gate assembly per each straight section that extends past 100′(30m).
- When you want a gate in one or more straight sections for access to the snake protected area with vehicles/equipment: Buy two (2) Gate/Extension Assemblies for each straight section you want a gate.
Gate Example

Extension Example